Tuesday, 11 November 2014

unique brands of brillance.

As I sit amongst a pile of text books including Business ethics, Womens American History, Geology and pregnancy massage, I was deeply reminded this week of the need to listen and just to be quiet for awhile. Remind myself how much my life changes and moves and develops into wonderful things.
I have been studying massage now for coming up to 3 months. In the process of learning we get so caught up on what is the right and wrong way of doing things. The rules and the studying is endless. Life  and school has so many rules, often many I find challenging and heart breaking. But through my massage practice this week I was reminded that doing things right does not always mean playing by the rules, doing what you are taught. Sometimes doing something with your heart and your felt sense is enough to touch someone profoundly. Through these wonderful connections I have found through my massage practice and life, I have found a way to connect with myself and with others in a way that can not be described in words. I have found myself in a place where my friends do not always represent what you would expect but it is something inside of them that deeply moves me.
If there is one thing I would like to remember forever from this week it is this quote from a wonderful lady, Susan Piver
"My dear friends: Please know that I wish for you only peace,joy and love. But it is impossible to avoid the sorrows of being human, and actually if it were, we would cease to be human. At the core of anger is great vitality. At the heart of sorrow is love. Underneath fear is sadness, which is soft and workable. When you turn toward anger, sorrow, and fear: in some way you are gaining access to vitality, love and great tenderness. You can not separate them. It would be a very small being indeed who could tolerate only so-called positive feelings. You are capable of a vast range of emotion and connecting with this storehouse also connects you to poetry, passion, and your own utter brand of brilliance!