Monday, 19 December 2011

more than most things Love itself......


 Last Christmas my sister got engaged to her now Husband David Luff, where will christmas take us this year.....

C.S Lewis wrote a book called 'The Four loves' - Affection, Friendship, Eros and Charity. What better place to experience the true meanings of love than at the wedding of Bridget and David Luff. 

'a garden is a good thing but that is not the sort of good it has. It will remain a garden, as distinct from wilderness, only if someone does all these things to it. Its glory is of quite a different kind. The very fact that it needs constant weeding and pruning bears witness to that glory. It teems with life. It grows with colour and smells like heaven and puts forward at every hour of a summer day beauties which man could never have created and could not even, on his own resources have imagined'  C.S Lewis ( 'The Four Loves' -Charity)

 Eros -romance , the art of being 'inlove'...

To wedding was everything you would want in a wedding from awesome venues, amazing food, not a single person escaping the mania of the dance floor, but nothing made this wedding quite like the love that was poured into it by every single person to show their support to show Bridget and David that what they have is really worth celebrating! Just like C.S Lewis says about the garden a man can help the garden but the garden will always create beauty  that a man could never of done on his own....

or can they? Its amazing what man can do when they put their hearts and heads to it, especially these two heads...

Charity is the love that brings forth caring regardless of circumstance. 

 Friendship Love ( Known in Greek as 'Philia') 
'To the ancients , Friendship seemed the happiest and   most fully human of all loves; the crown of life and the school of virtue' C.S Lewis

Affection Love - Lewis said this to be the humblest and most widely diffused of loves.
The Greeks call this type of love storage which is most commonly found between parents and offsprings
My favourite quote being this; ' 

affection almost slinks or seeps through our lives. It lives with hmble un-dress, private things; soft slippers, old clothes, old jokes, the thump of a sleepy dog's tail on the kitchen floor...' C.S Lewis

affection has a homely face...
 My boyfriend once told me that our love can not be defined by others, books or theories, it is just ours and it is just what we make it. 

'There is no art without Eros' Max Frisch
Be Inspired and Love fully
LB xx
All photos by Jo Moolenschott

Thursday, 4 August 2011

Sunshine and Santa Cruz

Some pictures have songs and some songs have pictures...

 Santa Cruz was my favourite place to visit in the whole of the US - this was last day my camera worked and small black spots where orange juice had seeped into my camera are visible.
Whenever I go to the sea I am always surprised how much I missed it and how comforting it can be.

I have always wondered why you would go to a fairground when you can just go to the beach, however when the temptation for an ice cream took over, Santa Cruz was the first place I ever went on a carousel, otherwise known as the 'Santa Cruz Broadwalk merry-go-round' or Looff Carousel to help celebrate its 100th Birthday!

Be inspired,
LB x

Sunday, 29 May 2011

My Daddy..

'The price of success is hard work, dedication to the job at hand, and the determination that whether we win or lose, we have applied the best of ourselves to the task at hand.' -Vince Lombardi

My dad works harder at his job than anyone I know. Sometimes in my opinion too hard. He works day in and day out in his job in the City to support his family. His dedication to his work and to his family is honourable and inspiring.
These photos were taken on days when he was  too tired after work.  to do anything else than just sit on his favourite couch and watch football on TV.
When work has not consumed him my dad is South African, an Arsenal Supporter, an incredible story teller, a tireless and enthusiastic runner, he loves Murakami books and has read all his books, has the most infectious laugh of anyone I know, he loves to garden, he loves to design his house with wood and collect wonderful pieces of old wooden furniture, he loves honey, a family man, good with little kids, and he once found a mouse in the house and captured it and drove it in the car ( playing classical FM for the mouse's nerves) to a posher neighbourhood so it could have a better life.
I love that part of my dad the most!

Be Inspired.
LB x

Urban Romanticism

"Your capacity for delight is in direct proportion with your willingness and ability to experience joy in simple things." - J.Badonsky

Terraced houses, chimneys and windowsill flowers are just a few of the things I love about London.

Be inspired.
LB x

Friendship and The Colour Blue

 This photo has been exposed repeatedly using my Diana Mini on  a colour slide film.

"Blue color is everlastingly appointed by the deity to be a source of delight." - John Ruskin, English Romantic Writer and Painter, 1819-1900

When I took these photos I asked Amy 'can I have a little smile please' which reminded her of when she was little and her dad was trying to get a good photo.
I can see why, what a beautiful little smile!
In contrast when I was little I hated having my photo taken and when asked to smile I would cry and pull the worst face I could muster creating a freakish girl-boy come E.T child with enough black hair for a beehive inspired look.

Be Inspired
LB x

Vivian Maier

Vivian Maier  (February 1, 1926 – April 21, 2009) was an incredible photographer. A lot of her photography was discovered by chance in a thrift store after she had died. This idea that she lived the majority of her life not realising the value of her work to anyone but her self. 
She really inspired me to begin to realise that, for the least part of it my art really matters to me, and that's a good place to start. Maier did not photograph for work, for others, for acclaim but because she loved it and it shows! As Helen Kellier puts it so well;

The most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched, they must be felt with the heart'

I love Maier's photography for capturing the unusual, for capturing life how it is and how natural they are. Her curiosity for people  and finding the beauty in everyday life inspires me.

 Vivian Maier's work can be found to provoke your heart strings at 

Be inspired!
LB x

Saturday, 28 May 2011

Amy Grace May 2011...

"Orange is red brought nearer to humanity by yellow." -Kandinsky

Native American Indians associated the color orange with kinship.

My oldest friend in the world and sunshine in Hampstead Heath.
I went out for the day with Amy to take some photos for her new website. Through trying to capture photos to fit the wonderful creativity of her music, I found a creativity that fitted me. Inspiration to love can come when you least expect it, mine just came from New Zealand. Thank you Amy x

Amy Grace's music can be found at

I took this photo on my first trip out with my Diana Mini with a colour slide film to some very interesting outcomes!

Be Inspired!
LB x